How do you fix high cyanuric acid in pool?

Cyanuric acid, also known as CYA or stabilizer, plays a crucial role in protecting chlorine from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays, enhancing its longevity in pool water. However, too much cyanuric acid can hinder chlorine’s effectiveness, creating an environment ripe for bacteria and algae growth.

Causes of High CYA Levels:

Excessive cyanuric acid was added due to a calculation error.

Frequent Shock Treatments: Regular shock treatments with products containing cyanuric acid can elevate its levels in the pool.

Impact of High Cyanuric Acid:

High cyanuric acid makes chlorine less effective. Increased chlorine concentration will reduce the disinfection ability of chlorine. If the effective chlorine concentration is insufficient, harmful microorganisms will breed.

Steps to Lower CYA Levels:

The only proven method to significantly reduce CYA in pools is through partial drainage and replenishment with fresh water. While there may be biologics on the market that claim to reduce CYA concentrations, their overall effectiveness is limited and they are not easy to use. Therefore, when faced with excessively high CYA levels, the best course of action is partial drainage followed by the addition of fresh water.

Preventive Measures:

Regular Testing: Implement a routine testing schedule to monitor cyanuric acid levels and take corrective action as needed.

Maintaining balanced cyanuric acid levels is crucial for preserving water quality and ensuring a safe swimming environment. By understanding the causes, effects, and solutions to high cyanuric acid, you can take proactive measures to enjoy crystal-clear water and a pleasant swimming experience.

Post time: Mar-06-2024